Saturday, May 29, 2010

Slip'N'Slide Reneck Style...

Jared made a make sift slip n slide the other day & the kids all loved it...except for our youngest...who hates water here are the pictures that tell the story!

As you can see Alyssa was Pissed Off after she went for a slide & got all wet!

After she was dried off she got over it but MAN the looks this kids gives are CrAzY!!!


  1. Redneck slip and slides are the only ones I ever played with. Fun day!

  2. My 7 year old Grace looked over my shoulder and saw your baby with a phone in her hand. She was shocked to see that a baby had a phone before she ever will. Then my little guy Zane came over and said "that baby is cute!"

    What a fun day. Brought back my own redneck memories of the fun I had growing up on a ranch in Taylor.
